
Much has been said. Even more has been heard.

It's impossible not to be affected by current events. While that statement is always true, it seems even more prescient the louder, angrier, and more present hate and division become in our daily lives.

I'm finding it more important than ever to lean into spiritual practices such as Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina, and other forms of contemplative meditation. Even simply walking a labyrinth, or a sidewalk, or creating art, or other forms of self-expression can be meditative and grounding.  Despite the difficulty, it is desperately important to stay centered and grounded during the escalating unrest I feel both around me and in my own soul.

Fr. Richard Rohr wrote the other day that "we need a worldwide paradigm shift in Christian consciousness for how we relate to God." It's a tall order, and one I'm in agreement with. A paradigm shift is, according to a quick internet search "a fundamental change in approach and underlying assumptions."

It's always important to know one's assumptions, difficult as it may be. A question to ask oneself is "what is it that I truly believe?" And the approach to carrying out the results and implications of those assumptions should be equally as measured.

Throughout history, people have found themselves suddenly in unexpected and atrocious circumstances, being asked to take unthinkable actions. Humans get surprised, and the unthinkable can be good or bad, and important questions lay all along the pathway through today and into tomorrow: "are my beliefs more important than the people around me?" "who is being hurt by this action?" "who is benefitting from this action?"

If you're like me, the immense complexity that arises from thoughts like this can be overwhelming. One thing I know, though, is that despite complexity, reality persists. Truth persists. We may not be able to act with a truly 100% full understanding of what is happening, but it is always crucial to keep in mind what we DO know and understand to be true.

And, as we stand firm, we must also rest in a real way. Remember to breathe. Remember to make space for silence to speak. Remember to listen. Life is complicated. Ideas are complicated. Beliefs are complicated.

Make sure amongst all of this complexity and noise that you are able to find rest, peace, and grounding.

Blessings on your journey, friend. May you find a centered strength in your spirit.