Invitation to Tarot

An exploration by Rebekka Reuter


The first step in participating in a tarot reading is to set aside any fears, biases, or preconceived notions that you may have about this form of conversation. Once you’ve done that, you may begin to fill that space with the wonderment that all of humankind has created and engaged in some sort of divination practice since time immemorial. It’s really quite impressive that our sacks of chemistry and biology, hurtling towards a black hole and through various forms of physics, have been able to sit down and sort out how to get along with Spirit. Here’s the thing, tarot is just a bunch of really cool pictures on some lovely pieces of paper. That’s it! By some yet unknown means, some of us are really quite apt at being messengers of surrounding energies, shaping the unknown chaotic realm in a way that makes a tarot reading comprehendible.

It’s important to remember that every divination practitioner will have their own style. Alongside that notion is the deck itself, a creation of images and interpretations of the author and artist that is infused with their own Spirits. It’s a conversation between you, me, and the message. That message may come from the Universe, an ancestor, or even your very own subconscious. Sometimes a reading will indicate that you’re on the right path – isn’t it nice to have validation? Maybe a reading will give you lots of homework, because the answer to your question comes only from your journey of change.

Tarot has an ability to be a bit absurd; if you ask a stupid question, you will get a stupid answer, or another way, if you bring chaos you will receive chaos. I’m not in the business of telling futures because I’m not entirely convinced that we don’t have free will. I don’t do readings about other people because I don’t have their permission; rather, a question about our own energy in a relationship is much better. Yes-or-no questions are not entirely appropriate for my style of tarot reading because I’m not interested in telling you that the cards have a stagnant, black-and-white meaning. The answer is entirely up to you, I simply move atoms around to help the chaos become more manageable for you to solve. 

Every reading comes with a zine that I fill out during our reading which will be yours to keep. Before our reading, I will have you shuffle the cards while talking about what’s on your mind. You may give me any amount of information that you feel comfortable sharing. You don’t have to come up with something deep, dark, and mysterious; a perfectly content reading may come from simply asking, what kind of energy do I need for [x, y, or z]. 

I’m not in the business of giving answers, rather I enjoy showing you that you do indeed have options. I consider myself more of an energy reader than a tarot reader, and as such my spreads are organic; some may be three cards, others five. Sometimes another card gets drawn if something is confusing or needs validation. I don’t necessarily have the same way of going about a reading with every person, it just sort of depends on how the things feel. Because of my energy-tarot combo, I don’t have the meaning of every single card memorized, I really just don’t feel the need to when I have my book right next to me. My book contains a variety of meanings for each card, a collection from other decks and various books I’ve read. I may pick a phrase that came from another deck if I feel that it’s appropriate for your reading.

I hope that you’ll find our conversation to be one of trust and insight.